Panhard is a French manufacturer of light tactical and military vehicles. Its current incarnation, now owned by Renault Trucks Defense, was formed by the acquisition of Panhard by Auverland in 2005. Panhard had been under Citroen ownership, then PSA (after the 1974 Peugeot Citroen merger), for 40 years. The combined company now uses the Panhard name; this was decided based on studies indicating that the Panhard name had better brand recognition worldwide than the Auverland name. Panhard once built civilian cars but ceased production of those in 1968. Many of its military products however end up on the civilian market via third sources and as military/government surplus vehicles. Panhard also built railbuses between the wars.
Emile Levassor In 1886, Emile Levassor and Rene Panhard set up the well-known motor company Panhard & Levassor, and in 1887 entered into negotiations with Edouard Sarazin, holder of the Daimler licence rights for France, on the manufacture of Daimler engines in France.
Rene Panhard , Panhard-Levassor , Jean Panhard , Paul Panhard , Paul Panhard , Paul Panhard Sports & Exotic Car, Louis Delagarde , Panhard-Levassor Musee , Panhard 178
Panhard M3 VTT
Panhard Sovamag TC10
Petit Vehicule Protege (PVP) Light Armoured Protected Vehicle, France
Panhard PVP (Petit Vehicule Protege = Light Protected Vehicle)
Panhard VBL (Light Armoured Vehicle), France is a 4x4 wheeled all-terrain vehicle manufactured by Panhard General Defense, for the French armed forces. The vehicle is primarily deployed in patrol and surveillance missions.
History , Des Camion Panhard , ACMAT , Vehicule Blinde Leger , ALM History , ôðàíöóçñêîå êóçîâíîå àòåëüå Pourtout
ôðàíöóçñêîå êóçîâíîå àòåëüå Henri Heuliez
Panhard M3
Panhard AML
Marcel Pourtout
Vehicule Blinde Leger
ALM Atelier Legueu Vehicule
ERC 90 Sagaie light reconnaissance / anti-tank 6x6 armoured vehicle
Le Panhard EBR est employe durant la guerre d'Algerie pour surveiller en autre les lignes Morice et Challe et utilise durant la crise de Bizerte, la guerre d'independance de l'Angola; la guerre des Sables et la guerre du Sahara occidental. Ce vehicule, demuni de sa tourelle, a transporte le cercueil du General de Gaulle a Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises
En 1875, la societe Perin-Panhard ajoute a ses fabrications celle de moteurs a gaz. Pour cela elle en achete, pour evaluation, un exemplaire a Otto & Langen, le principal fabricant allemand de moteurs a gaz, par l’intermediaire d’Auguste Sarrazin, representant d’Otto & Langen en France.
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