
Daniel Marmon Addison H. Nordyke stayed with the company as an active official until 1899 and as a stockholder and director until 1904. Daniel W. Marmon continued his active official connection with the company until his death in 1909. Marmon Walter Carpenter
In 1851 under the name of Nordyke, Ham & Company, the manufacture of milling machinery was first begun in a small shop in Richmond, Indiana. In 1858, Addison H. Nordyke was taken into the business which was carried on as E. & A. H. Nordyke until 1866. At that time Daniel W. Marmon entered the firm, which then became Nordyke Marmon & Company. By 1871, it had become one of the most prominent concerns in its field and occupied substantial brick factory buildings constituting what was then considered quite a large plant. Amos K. Hallowell entered the company in 1875 and continued with it in an unofficial capacity until 1895. Addison H. Nordyke remained with the company in an active official capacity until 1899 and as a stockholder and director until 1904. Daniel W. Marmon continued his active official connection with the company until his death in 1909.
Marmon Brothers
The sons of Daniel W. Marmon and Elizabeth Carpenter, Howard Carpenter Marmon and Walter Carpenter Marmon built their first American Automobile in 1902. They used the facilities of Nordyke and Marmon, the nations leading manufacturer of flour milling machinery. The company was founded in 1851 by Ellis Nordyke. Daniel W. Marmon joined the firm in 1865. The Marmon was an elegant and well engineered high powered automobile produced in Indianapolis, IN. Howard Marmon was the chief designer and engineer while his brother Walter looked after finance and manufacturing. In 30 years the Nordyke and Marmon Co. (1902-1925) and later the Marmon Motor Car Co. (1926-1933).
Arthur William Sidney Herrington, (born March 30, 1891, Coddenham, East Suffolk, Eng.—died Sept. 6, 1970, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.), American engineer and manufacturer who developed a series of military vehicles . Arthur W. Herrington was born in Coddenham, England on March. 30, 1891. He immigrated with his parents to Madison, New Jersey then he was five years old. After attending public schools in Madison, he received his advanced technical education at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, He was first employed by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a Assistant Chief Engineer. During World War I, he served in France with the Second Divisional Supply Train/Motor Transport Corps. Upon return to civilian life, he worked as a Consulting Engineer to the American military. During the 1920's and throughout his life he received various American and for -eign patents. In 1931, he formed along with auto pioneer Walter C. Marmon the Marmon-Herrington Company, Inc producers of various all-wheel-drive civilian and military vehicles. Mr. Herrington was an active observer of the worldwide military buildup of war material.From 1947 to 1961, he worked for Diamond T Motor Truck Co. , then in Cicero. He subsequently spent six years with White Motor Co. and three years with Brockway Motor Truck Co.
Marmon начала свою деятельность в Richmond, Indiana, в 1851 году, как производитель мельничных жерновов.
Компания была основана Daniel Marmon и Addison H. Nordyke и была названа Nordyke and Marmon Company.
В 1870 фирма переехала в Индианаполис.
Сыновья (Walter Marmon - 1872-1940 and brother Howard Carpenter Marmon - 1876-1943) получили инженерное образование и вошли в бизнес, Walter стал менеджером. Компания занималась новаторской деятельность, что позволяло ей успешно развиваться.В 1926 году название компании было изменено на Marmon Мотор Car Company. Компания стала испытывать трудности во времена Великой депрессии 1930-х годов.Walter Marmon, когда его отец умер в 1909 г., стал секретарем компании, позже президентом, и был назначен председателем правления в 1924 году.
В 1931 году Marmon (сын) и Arthur Herrington организовали фирму по производству грузовых автомобилей под названием Marmon-Herrington Company. Производство началось в марте 1931 года, когда компания получила заказ на изготовление 33Т-1 4х4 заправщиков и транспотра сопровождения для Персии (Ирана.) (Arthur William Sidney Herrington работал в Отделе автомобильного транспорта квартирмейстерского корпуса - QMC) ) Эта организация плотно работала с американскими корпорациями на предмет создания широкого типажного ряда армейских грузовиков. По заказу армии американскими фирмами выпускались небольшие серии автомобилей, соответствующие требованиям военных.
Болшую роль в развитии фирмы сыграл Роберт Уоллес, определивший целесообразность преобразования полутонного пикапа Форд в плане оснащения его полным приводом. В середине 30-х инженер M-H Robert “Bob” Wallace нанес визит Henry и Edsel Ford с идеей оснастить стандартный Пикап полным приводом. К 1936 г был построен и испытан грузовик Ford C5A, спобобный конкурировать Dodge и Intrnational. Компании удалось получить заказы на постройку пикапов в Бельгии и Нидерландах.
Ключ ко всем преобразования полноприводных Мармон-Херрингтон шасси - раздаточная коробка, работавшая в комплексе с Warner T9 и модифицироанными мостами и узлами Rzeppa.
MH Trasfer Case Meanwhile, ex- Stutz engineer and Marmon-Vice President Robert C. Wallace was instructed to go down to a local Ford dealership in Indianapolis and see if a half-ton Ford Truck could be converted to a 4WD arrangement. When he reported back favorably, the engineers went to work on a prototype 1936 Ford V-8 half-ton open cab pickup by adapting a number of components including Wisconsin-Herrington hubs.
Ford Marmon-Herrington built 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,A Ford rear axle was modified with Marmon-Herrington hubs and Rzeppa joints and fitted with semi-elliptical springs for use up front. A special transfer case was also designed for the Ford.
M-H 1939 Ford 4x4 and 1934 Chevrolet Ft Houston Tx 1939
R2-A Ford 4x4 bodies by Ward LaFrance Marmon Herrington
Type Fire Truck O-12 Marmon-Herrington
1948 Mercury Marmon-Herrington Station Wagon
Ford standard station wagon by Marmon-Herrington
С этого момента и вплоть до 1963 г компания оснащяла полным приводом как военные так и гражданские автомобили и выполняла другие заказы.
Летом 1963 г. компанию "Мармон-Херрингтон" выкупил один из ее дилеров, перевел в город Дентон и переименовал в "Мармон".
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